Jennifer Breakspear

Strategic executive supporting leadership across the non-profit sector

Making a difference every day by building relationships and connecting people to mission.

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Making a difference


My parents instilled in me a strong sense of community. They made sure that I knew the value of being a member of a caring community and they encouraged me to actively contribute to community life. Long ago I made a commitment to making a difference in my community and that commitment has guided me throughout my life.

I want to help you and your non-profit excel. I have considerable experience in strategic planning, facilitation, and management. If your organization anticipates strategic planning, a need for interim leadership, or someone to come in and facilitate a workshop or investigate a workplace harassment incident, I'd love the opportunity to pitch my services to you. Please contact me to discuss how I can help strengthen your organization and build your leadership.


I've identified as an human rights activist since my teens and I've always been motivated to get involved when I could see the need for change. As a child I accompanied my mother when she campaigned for candidates at all levels of government and I carried on in that vein campaigning on behalf of candidates I supported and on my own campaign (Federal Election 1997).

In my teens I got involved in human rights activism and worked on issues that still inspire me to action; women, queer community, labour.

I have voluntarily contributed my time, talents and passion to organizations making a difference locally and around the world. Some of these include; Canadian Blood Services, Vantage Point, the Salt Spring Forum, and Catalyst Community Developments.


A career that unites my passion for community and human rights


I am proud of the leadership roles I have played in significant mission- driven organizations in the non-profit sector. I am now an Associate Vice-President at BC Housing but before this role I was the Executive Director of SARA for Women, a charitable non-profit operating in BC's Fraser Valley. SARA offers safe refuge to women and children fleeing violence through transition houses, second-stage housing, shelters, counseling, and outreach services. Prior to my time with SARA I served as the Executive Director of PHS Community Services Society, an innovative non-profit housing, health care, harm reduction, and community development agency providing vital services to the most vulnerable in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver and beyond.

Previous to PHS I led Options for Sexual Health (Opt), the largest sexual and reproductive health care provider in Canada, and QMUNITY - BC's Queer Resource Centre.

For a number of years I have been teaching one of the core courses of the Simon Fraser University Non-Profit Management Certificate where I enjoy the opportunity to connect directly with new, emerging, and experienced non-profit leaders. Teaching New Approaches to Non-Profit Management for the Canadian Context allows me to keep up to date on the latest advances in our field.

Before I moved into non-profit management I travelled other career paths including academia, labour and ten years as a paramedic in Ontario.

What's next?